Medical services provided by endocrinologists (Source: Hellenic Endocrine Society) (in Greek).
G6PD enzyme deficiency
Medicines and other substances that should be avoided or are safe to use in people with G6PD enzyme deficiency (in English).
Adrenal insufficiency
Material relating to patients suffering from adrenal insufficiency and/or being treated with cortisone (in English and Greek).
Contraceptive pills – improper intake
Guidelines for good practice in case of irregular use of contraceptive tablets (in English).
Immaterial (electronic) prescription
Video describing the process of activating intangible prescribing (in Greek).
Genetics – BrCa genes
Indications for prescribing genomic testing in EOPYY (Greek NHS)
Medic Alert card for patients with diabetes and/or on insulin treatment (in English and Greek).
Gestational diabetes – electronic diary
Daily glucose diary in pregnancies complicated by diabetes mellitus (in Greek).
Gestational diabetes – psychological support
Advice on psychological support for women with pregnancies complicated by gestational diabetes (Dr. Ioanna Koptsi – in Greek).
Medical Nutrition Therapy – general approach
General principles of medical nutrition therapy (in Greek).
Medical Nutrition Therapy – gestational diabetes
Special dietary treatment guidelines in pregnancies complicated with diabetes mellitus (Dr. Niki Athanasiadou – in Greek).
Medical Nutrition Therapy – hyperuricemia
Special dietary treatment guidelines in cases of elevated uric acid (in Greek).
Detailed list of the National Vaccination Programme (in Greek).
Medical capacity of Army recruits
Table of the medical capacity of Army recruits (Government Gazette 27/01/14, issue A’, article 17) (in Greek).
Information for pregnant women with gestational diabetes or thyroid disease during pregnancy (in Greek).
“Papageorgiou” General Hospital
Scheduling an appointment at Papageorgiou Hospital (in Greek).
Disability rates
Unified Table for Determining the Degree of Disability (Government Gazette 04/05/12, issue B’, article 1506) (in Greek).
Personal data
The clinic applies all Personal Data Protection measures in Primary Care Providers (private practices / polyclinics) as indicated by the Medical Association of Thessaloniki and required by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the applicable legislation (in Greek).
Rare diseases
Greek list of rare diseases (Government Gazette 17/01/24, issue B’, article 248) (in Greek).
24-hour urine collection
Videos describing the 24-hour urine collection procedure (in English).
ΧΥΥ syndrome
Information about XYY syndrome (in English).
Sleep apnea – Thessaloniki Laboratories
Centers and laboratories that perform sleep studies in the area of Thessaloniki (in Greek).
Assisted reproduction
Information about Assisted Reproduction Technique (ART) programs (in Greek).
Medic Alert card for patients suffering from hypoparathyroidism (in English and Greek).
Participation in pharmaceutical cost
Participation of EOPYY-insured persons in pharmaceutical costs (in Greek).
“Horemio” Laboratory
Special genetic test at the “Horemio” Research Laboratory, “Aghia Sofia” Children’s Hospital, Athens (in Greek).